Part of the Business Success Series and Faith & Motivation Series

This is one of the highest-selling & distributed recordings Mark has ever made. It has been distributed literally around the world, with nearly 500,000 copies, translated into several languages.  Many consider this to be the best motivational presentation Mark Gorman has ever recorded.

The DREAM is your key to success in anything: Business, Health, Marriage, Relationships, Spiritual Life, Everything in Your Life.  God created us with the ability to DREAM.  Some people may say that a DREAM is imaginary – not real. And for some it isn’t, because they’ll never put in the work to make it happen. DREAM gives you the ability to see beyond the way things are at this moment, to envision the possibilities of the future, if you’re willing to put in the work, and make the necessary changes.  And, the number one change you must make if you are to achieve your DREAM is to change yourself. 

You need to have a DREAM that’s bigger than who you are, than what you are capable of doing, and then you choose to make the sacrifices necessary to BECOME the person who CAN achieve the DREAM, with God’s help.  The greatest gift a DREAM gives you, when you’ve crossed the Finish Line, when you’re in the Spotlight, when everyone knows Your Name, when your Lifestyle, your Relationships, your Spiritual Life, your Achievements are where they should be, the greatest gift the DREAM gives you is not all the Fame and Fortune.

The greatest gift is WHO YOU BECAME in the process of pursuing the DREAM. 

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In this teaching, Mark explains the 3 things in life that will try to steal your DREAM.  Then, he tells you how to overcome each one, how to hold onto the DREAM until it becomes a reality.  If you can say 2 things about yourself, nothing can stop you from achieving your DREAM: “I have a DREAM.”  &  “I’m not lazy.”  If you can say those 2 things about yourself, and mean them, and don’t let anyone or anything steal your Dream, and you put in the work to make the necessary changes, NOTHING & NO ONE can stop you from achieving your DREAM!

Originally titled "Act Like Your Dream", this presentation by Mark Gorman was recorded LIVE before an audience of over 16,000 people at a business event in Anaheim, CA. (Other speakers at the same event were Heavyweight Boxing Champion - Evander Holyfield, Billionaire - Steve Forbes, and Best Selling Author & Speaker - Robert Kiyosaki, author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, “The Cashflow Quadrant” & many other best-selling books.)

Keep Your Dream Alive is part of the Business Success Series.